Monday, November 30, 2009

Cottage Style Dining

This dining room is fab.
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New Beginnings

This blog has been in the works for months.

Well, in my head at least.

I have been so inspired by amazingly talented women in all the places where I have lived. We lived in Utah for five years, while my husband went to school. Then we moved on to the "real" world and lived in Sierra Vista, Arizona for almost 10 years, and now we are back in Los Angeles, where we grew up. We have lived here for almost one year.

In this blog my friends and I would like to share some creative ideas that made our homes come alive with our particular style and distinct personalities.

We hope to inspire  women to return back to basics and really enjoy homemaking.

We will share many yummy recipes and ideas we tried on our families and friends.

We will also have a Trash to Treasure section where we can show you how to frugally furnish your home with thrift and curbside items.
I live in a town where people love to get rid of stuff.

And I love to pick it up.

I have restored and restyled several pieces of furniture and I'm having a blast doing it.

Hope this blog inspires you to rethink and restyle.

It's thrifty and green!

Happy Homemaking!